Asphalt Pavement Repair And Maintenance Recommendations


Asphalt pavement makes a great surface for your driveway and it will last many years while it looks great and provides a durable vehicle surface. However, just as with any outdoor feature, asphalt needs to be kept in check to protect it against sun, wind, rain, ice, and vegetation growth. The following recommendations will help you take the best care of your asphalt with the right maintenance and repairs. Complete Regular Checkups  

28 September 2022

2 Preventative Maintenance Tasks For Your Asphalt Parking Lot


You have invested a good amount of money in your parking lot. You need that parking lot, so your customers can enter your business. Because you put money into it, you want it to last for a while. One way to ensure that happens is to hire an asphalt contractor to do preventative maintenance for your parking lot. What are some of the jobs that need to get done to make sure that your parking lot lasts a long time?

19 September 2022

Completing An Asphalt Paving Project


Asphalt is a versatile paving material that can be an effective solution for a variety of projects that will require a durable layer of pavement to be poured. Asphalt Can Be Suitable For Walkways And Driveways  Individuals will often think of roads, parking lots, and driveways when they are assessing uses for asphalt pavement. However, asphalt can also be an effective option to use for walkways. While individuals may tend to use concrete for the pathing needs of their property, asphalt can be a durable and affordable alternative.

15 September 2022

Understanding Professional Asphalt Installation


When you're ready to have your driveway repaved, it's in your best interest to work with a professional asphalt paving company instead of trying to do it yourself. There are a lot of steps involved with proper preparation and asphalt application, and those steps are essential for ensuring structural integrity. Here's a look at some of the things you can expect from your professional paving contractor.  Demolition Of Existing Material

7 September 2022

Remodeling Your Pool? 3 Great Reasons To Use Patio Pavers


If you're remodeling the area around your pool, now's the time to add patio pavers to your list. You might think that solid concrete is the way to go for your pool remodel. That's not the case though. Patio pavers are an excellent way to give your pool area a fresh new look. One of the best things about using patio pavers is that you'll save money on the project. Patio pavers are less expensive than traditional concrete.

25 August 2022

Cold Mix Asphalt: Can It Temporarily Repair Your Patio?


If you plan to redo your cracked asphalt patio next summer, you may look for a temporary way to patch it right now. You may even consider using hot mix asphalt to do the job. Although hot asphalt is a good option for you, you can also ask a paving contractor about cold mix asphalt. Cold mix asphalt works well on temporary jobs. Learn more about cold mix asphalt and why it may be a good way to temporarily repair your patio below.

16 August 2022

Top Benefits Of Commercial Hardscaping Vs. Commercial Landscaping


When you think about making your commercial property look nice, you might think about landscaping. It's true that planting grass, putting in bushes and flowers, and otherwise making landscaping improvements can make your commercial property look nice. Instead, though, you may want to focus on commercial hardscaping. Basically, this involves adding attractive paved surfaces and other hard surfaces to your property. This could be a better choice than putting all of your focus on landscaping for these reasons and more.

5 August 2022

Keys To Having Success With Commercial Parking Lot Paving


If you've had the same commercial parking lot for some time and haven't performed major restorations, it may be time to consider repaving. Then you can get this portion of your property looking great again. Using these tips, commercial parking lot paving won't be difficult to master.  Gather Measurements of Parking Lot   An important part of paving a commercial parking lot is ordering the right amount of asphalt materials. You can feel confident in this if you take measurements of your parking lot first.

18 July 2022

Asphalt Parking Lot Care 101: Things To Know


If you've decided that asphalt paving is the right solution for your parking area, it's important to understand that an asphalt parking area needs different care and attention than a gravel one. Knowing how to take care of your parking area will go a long way toward ensuring that it lasts for as long as possible. Here are a few of the things that your asphalt paving contractor wants you to understand about your parking lot's care and maintenance.

13 July 2022

What's Involved In An Asphalt Overlay Restoration?


If you have asphalt pavement in your home, you'll want to keep it in tip-top shape throughout the year. While routine asphalt maintenance will go a long way in preserving the life of the pavement, it will eventually start to deteriorate because of age. While a complete replacement of the existing pavement structure is inevitable at some point in the future, you may be able to extend its life with an overlay.

29 June 2022